Buying Indica Online in Canada. Know Your Weed

Buying Indica Online in Canada. Know Your Weed

If you want to buy indica online in Canada, you’re in luck. With recreational and medical cannabis legal in Canada, many consumers are choosing to buy their weed online. Indica is perhaps the most popular choice of marijuana. Others are sativa and hybrid strains.

What is Indica?

Indica is perhaps the most popular of cannabis strains. There are three main types of pure cannabis species: indica, sativa and ruderalis. Ruderalis isn’t widely used for consumption. Indica grows natively (in the wild) in southern Asia but is now cultivated all over the world. Indica is a short, broad leaved plant compared to its cousin sativa which is tall and has narrow leaves.

How Does Indica Make You Feel?

Indica users describe its effects as sedating and relaxing. Indica can have a very high volume of THC when compared to sativa. However, some sativas are bred with high THC. Users may choose indica for night time use or as a sleep aid. Indica is the species that makes you feel a full-body stone, whereas sativa is known for a more of a “head high”. In other words, if you want to function well cognitively and not feel as impaired, don’t choose indica, or, find an indica which has lower THC and higher CBD.

How Do You Buy Indica in Canada?

Most online weed stores in Canada sell indica as dried bud or in concentrated form known as “shatter” (for dabbing). Almost all online weed stores ship by Canada Post and require you to be of age in your province or territory to make a purchase. The experience of shopping for indica will be familiar to most of you. Browse indica products, add them to your cart, check out, send an e-transfer, receive your order by post.

How Do I Know if the Indica I Buy is Good?

The best way to know if the indica you want to buy is good, is to try a small amount first. Buy a gram and if you like it, order more of the indica strain. You can also learn a lot about an indica strain by reading the description. Indica growers cultivate indica strains for a variety of effects and possible health benefits. Read reviews from other indica shoppers. Reviews may give you a fair indication of the effects and help you decide whether the indica strain is for you.

How Much Does Indica Cost?

Indica price ranges vary greatly. You can find indica strains online for as little as $7/gram and as high as $14/gram at the time of this writing.

Information contained in this article courtesy of Top Shelf Express.


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